Medical Weight Loss Therapy

If you’ve tried everything and just can’t lose weight – it’s likely your hormones are to blame

GLP-1/GIP medications (Semaglutide and Tirzepatide)

This is our newest and most exciting option for weight loss and has exceeded our expectations. It is a weekly self-injection, typically performed into the fatty portion of your belly. This medication can be used short-term as a method for weight loss, and may be taken safely long term to assist with weight maintenance.

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide help to control your blood sugar and stabilize insulin, resulting in what seems to be a temporary reversal of Insulin Resistance. They also slow down how fast your stomach empties food, which helps you to feel full sooner and stay full longer.

Most of our patients have commented that about half way through their meal they become full and satisfied and lose all desire to finish. These medications seem to reverse many of the effects of Insulin Resistance that cause weight gain and prevent weight loss.

Many of our patients lose about 2 to 5 pounds per week when paired with diet and exercise.

We have found that these medications, paired with hormone treatment, provide even greater benefits with weight loss and maintenance.


The HCG hormone is injected once daily and is paired with a specific low-calorie diet. The HCG hormone will control hunger and stimulate the release and burning of abnormal fat in the body, while preserving the “normal” or healthy fat.

When all phases of the diet program are complete, it has the ability to reset your “fat thermostat” or metabolism to the new weight that will further help with your ability to maintain your weight long-term.

Most of our patients lose about 2 to 5 pounds per week when strictly following the HCG diet.

Clients enrolling in the program attend a brief orientation where they learn that three types of fats are found in the human body. The first – structural fat – fills the gaps between organs and acts as a sort of packing material for the body. The second type is a normal reserve that the body draws upon when nutritional intake is less than what the body demands. The final type of fat is an abnormal and excessive accumulation from which the body seems largely unable to draw from. These fixed deposits throughout the body cause obesity.

Dieting – even strict dieting – just isn’t enough for some people when it comes to losing weight

By merely restricting one’s diet or severely reducing caloric intake, the body typically consumes just the normal fat reserves and cannot access the abnormal accumulations. The face appears drawn and sallow. Weakness and profound fatigue set in. Headaches and a yearning for energy lead to irritability. Muscle wasting occurs, and a sickly appearance emerges.

HCG is a truly unique approach to medical weight loss

There seems to be a “re-setting” of the fat thermostat that occurs over the course of the protocol. This doesn’t mean you can go back willy nilly to unhealthy eating, but there does seem to be a metabolic change that takes place and a severely diminished desire to consume the same portions as before.

“Things are just different,” say our clients, after the program. We have had wonderful success with more than 1000 clients. And most of them say that although it requires discipline, it is not a herculean task.

*The FDA has not approved HCG for use in weight loss.