How Thyroid Treatments Can Provide Relief

Thyroid Imbalance - Do You Have It? Free Test to Find Out

Depression? Anxiety? Low sex drive? Thyroid treatments could help

Did you know that an estimated 59 million Americans currently suffer from a thyroid problem? Yes, that includes those of you from Salt Lake City, Utah, too! More than that, some 30 million of those that have one go about their daily lives undiagnosed. The numbers are staggering.

Doctors suggest thyroid problems affect both men and women, though women are said to be up to 10 times as likely as men to suffer a low thyroid problem. Those odds also increase by as much as 30% if you’re over the age of 35.

If left undiagnosed, low thyroid problems can dramatically increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, hair loss, low sex drive and even infertility. And that’s just naming a few!

This is why it’s vital that you come in for a test and consultation with the specialist thyroid doctors at Genesys Medical Institute so that you can avoid future health problems and arrange a natural hormone treatment that will provide much-needed relief and leave you feeling like yourself again.

What is the thyroid?

The thyroid – a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, just above the Adam’s Apple – is the master gland of metabolism. This seemingly small gland produces thyroid hormone (TH), which is responsible for regulating a number of your body’s key functions, including temperature, metabolism and heartbeat.

When your thyroid malfunctions, it enters a state of being either under or overactive, which can greatly impact every aspect of your overall health and well-being, such as your weight, mood, mental health and overall energy.

So, what causes low Thyroid problems? The list is near endless. It could be your family’s history and genetics, an autoimmune attack, pregnancy, stress, toxins in the environment or even nutritional deficiencies.

Here are some ways you can tell if a troubled thyroid is responsible for how you’re feeling:

The 10 telltale signs & symptoms of a low thyroid condition

1. Fatigue

Are you exhausted, but you’ve only just woken up? Unable to function without a nap? These symptoms all point to thyroid disease induced chronic fatigue. A lack of thyroid hormone in your bloodstream mean your cells don’t receive the same ‘Hey, you, let’s get going!’ signals they’re used to.

2. Depression and Anxiety

Thyroid disease can bring on panic attacks, anxiety and even depression. If these are unresponsive to regular treatments and antidepressants, then this is a clear sign that your mood swings may be connected to an undiagnosed thyroid disaster.

It’s also thought that the overproduction of thyroid hormones can raise your metabolism, send your body into overdrive and flood it with an an “All systems go!” message, which can lead to the onset of anxiety or panic attacks.

3. Unexplained Weight Changes

You’re hungrier than normal, more often, but you just don’t enjoy the food you’re eating in the same way. It’s all very…bland.

Sound familiar? A malfunctioning thyroid makes it difficult to lose weight, while an under-active thyroid can mess with your sense of both taste and smell, leaving food tasting bland and, well, tasteless.

4. Menstrual Irregularities & Fertility Problems

Longer, increasingly frequent, and more painful periods with a heavier flow are commonly associated with inadequate thyroid function, while shorter, lighter or infrequent menstruation is often blamed on an overactive thyroid. Studies and research have also drawn lines between undiagnosed thyroid conditions and infertility.

5. Cholesterol Issues

Under normal circumstances, high cholesterol is often fought with a change in diet, exercise, or cholesterol-lowering medications. If these prove ineffective, then you could be suffering from undiagnosed low thyroid levels.

On the reverse, unusually low cholesterol levels often point to excessive thyroid hormones. Either way, your hormones and that pesky thyroid could be to blame.

6. Irregular Bowel Problems

If you suffer from thyroid problems, you might find yourself complaining of severe or long-term constipation. You see, low thyroid levels can cause a slowdown of digestive processes, and lead to a large amount of discomfort. At the same time, an overactive thyroid gland can be the cause of diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

7. Neck Discomfort or Enlargement

Have you noticed any discomfort in your neck? A swelling feeling when you wear turtlenecks or neckties? A hoarse voice or visibly enlarged thyroid gland? These symptoms all point to thyroid disease.

It’s easy to check for this yourself. Simply hold a hand mirror up to your throat, and watch as you swallow or drink water. As you do, look for any unusual protrusions or bulges in the thyroid area (this is situated just below your Adam’s Apple, but above your collarbones). Try this several times. If you see anything suspicious, it could be cause for concern.

8. Hair Loss & Skin Changes

Your hair and skin are particularly sensitive to changes in thyroid levels, and are often the easiest way to spot any imbalances. If your thyroid levels drop too low, then your hair may become brittle, coarse, and dry, which can lead it to break off and fall out easily. In fact, noticeable hair loss is often associated with thyroid problems, most commonly seen in an unusual thinning or loss of the eyebrows, starting from the outer edge and moving in.

Itchy skin? Dry skin? It may be more than your moisturizer’s fault. Coarse, thin, dry, scaly or itchy skin is a sign that your thyroid is struggling. A dramatic change in skin appearance and texture is likely caused by too little thyroid hormone being produced, which can also slow your metabolism. Keep an eye on your nails, too: they often become brittle and begin to develop ridges.

9. Muscle & Joint Pains, Carpal Tunnel Or Tendinitis Problems

Over time, it’s thought that too little thyroid hormone can cause damage to the nerves responsible for sending signals from your brain and spinal cord throughout your body. So while sore muscle or joints are commonplace as you age, your thyroid may be to blame if you find you’re suffering from regular bouts of weak arms, aches and pains in your joints and muscles, or have a tendency to develop carpal tunnel or tarsal tunnel in your arms, hands or legs.

10. A Family History

Does your family have a history of thyroid problems? If so, then you’re at a much higher risk of having a thyroid condition yourself. If you’re unsure, dive into your family history and find out. Ask your parents, or even your grandparents, and look into the health history of your family.

Among older people, thyroid problems are often referred to as ‘gland trouble’ or ‘goiter’, so be on the lookout for these terms too, as they may be an indirect way of referring to the same thing.

Do YOU have imbalanced hormones?

Evaluate your hormone balance with this test »