Testosterone Replacement Therapy: 3 Things You Need To Know

Contemplating testosterone replacement therapy

Does the following sound familiar to you?

You’re not all that talkative. You tend to keep your emotions close, and your feelings even closer. An ache or pain? You meet it with an ‘It’ll be fine!’ In fact, if it weren’t for your nagging friends or family, you probably wouldn’t be searching for the reasons why you’re so tired, depressed, and lacking in energy.

So, what’s the diagnosis? It sounds like you’re a guy dealing with your medical issues like most every guy has done since the beginning of time: you ignore them. While you may have been able to get away with this for the odd bump or scrape, when it comes to your testosterone levels, giving it a healthy dose of the silent treatment isn’t likely to get you far.

If anything, you’re just resigning yourself to a life of enduring a litany of debilitating symptoms just because you’re stubborn.

So, how should you treat these symptoms? If you’re like most other men, you’ll probably stay quiet. Which is why the majority of testosterone imbalances go undiagnosed, which is as bad for you as it is your health. That’s why today we’re helping you to speak up, read up, and uncover just what testosterone imbalance is and the 3 things you should know about treating it.

What Are The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone Levels?

Are you struggling to get to sleep or, worse, stay asleep? Is your sex drive MIA? Or maybe you’re putting in extra hours at the gym and finding you’re gaining pounds, but losing muscle mass? What gives?!

These are just a few of the symptoms commonly associated with low testosterone levels. Also referred to as ‘Andropause‘ or ‘Symptomatic Androgen Deficiency‘, these symptoms are often so common that it can be difficult to identify just what’s causing them. Which is probably one of the major reasons so many cases of testosterone imbalance go undiagnosed.

It’s easy to feel alone in this struggle against low or imbalanced testosterone levels if you’re one of the many that suffer from it, but you’re not the only one. For example, did you know that low testosterone levels affect some 4-5 million men in the United States alone? More than that, some 60% of men over the age of 65 currently suffer from low testosterone levels.

While Dr Google may provide some information on these ailments and symptoms, it’s no substitute for an appointment with your hormone doctor or GP, who can properly diagnose your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan that’s tailored specifically to you. After all, you take your car to the mechanic or your PC to a tech expert, so why should you expect anything less for your own body, and your health?

Of the treatment options available, testosterone replacement therapy remains the most popular option. And for good reason. But what, exactly, does this treatment entail? Read on as we answer this question with the top 3 things you should know about testosterone replacement therapy, and what it could mean for your health.

Contemplating Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Here’s 3 Things You Should Know

1. It’s not just about the sex (though it does help)

The sexual benefits of testosterone replacement therapy tend to kick in around week 3, but this treatment isn’t all about the sex. Surprised? It’s no wonder! As the foremost male sex hormone, it’s easy to conflate testosterone levels, replacement therapy, and sexual performance as one and the same thing. No wonder the conversations around testosterone levels can be so awkward…

Oftentimes, poor sexual performance isn’t just an indicator of imbalanced testosterone levels. Just as low testosterone levels don’t always equate to a difficult time in the bedroom. If you find your libido is missing in action, it could be down to any number of issues including iron deficiency or thyroid dysfunction (which can be treated with hormone replacement therapy), a change in diet, exercise, or even just by reducing your stress and adjusting your sleeping habits.

2. It can help you find your peace of mind

Are you easily fatigued? Down? Or just downright depressed? If the physical symptoms of low testosterone are difficult to talk about, then the mental and psychological impact is next to impossible. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand with low testosterone levels, which can start to lift around week 6 of treatment. Though to see the maximum benefits you may be waiting a little longer. In the meantime, there are other treatments available to help you distance yourself from the dark clouds and mental fogginess that comes with depression.

Opening up to friends, family or a professional is just one way, while looking into the medical side of things and what impact your hormones may be having on your mood is also worth pursuing. You see, your hormones can have a big impact on how your body, and your mind, operates.

Many patients that have undergone testosterone replacement therapy have reported that their mood swings become less severe over time, and that those typical slumps, down days and rough times gradually become a thing of the past.

3. It can improve your overall health and well-being

Low testosterone levels don’t just impact your sex drive or your mood. They can work their way into almost every aspect of your life, whether it’s in your ability to lose – and maintain a healthy – weight, or how good a night’s sleep you get each night.

While some benefits of testosterone replacement therapy generally happen fairly quickly, others can take longer. Though make no mistake: with the way bioidentical hormones work, they don’t just deal with the source issue. They can also improve on almost every aspect of your health and well-being too.

Like what, exactly? Under the right conditions, for example, bioidentical hormone treatments have been reported to improve cognitive function, as well as currently being tested for its ability to combat Alzheimer’s. It’s also commonly associated with improved weight loss, an increase in muscle mass, and overall feelings of positivity and happiness. What’s not to love about that?

It’s About Time You Talked About Your Testosterone Levels

Finding that you’re not all that talkative? Struggling to get busy in the bedroom as much as you are to get some sleep? As we’ve discussed, you don’t have to suffer the symptoms of low testosterone levels in silence.

While talking about your issues isn’t always easy, arming yourself with the above knowledge can make the conversation that much easier. It’ll also ease any worries or concerns about possible side effects and keep you in-the-know about just what testosterone therapy means for you. All that’s left is to make your appointment, talk with a professional, and find out if testosterone replacement therapy is your path to a happy, healthier, more hormonally balanced you!