Special Offer – Half-Price Hormone Evaluation (approx. 45 min visit)

Call Us on (801) 671-7456 to book your half-price hormone evaluation.

We are currently offering 50% off a hormones evaluation (normally $150). Initially, we will send you to get your blood drawn and obtain a full hormone panel. Once labs are obtained we will schedule you for your free hormone evaluation. (Labs are not included and may be covered by your insurance.)

This evaluation will take approximately 40 minutes, at which time we will thoroughly review your hormone levels with you and compare them with your physical complaints. At that time we will provide you with a customized treatment plan based on both lab findings and symptoms. The cost of the program will vary depending on level of treatment.

Please feel free to call our office directly on (801) 671-7456.

Or use the form at the right and we will respond within one working day.