Low Sex Drive

How It Affects Women

hot flashes and night sweatsWould you believe that a woman’s sex drive (libido) starts decreasing naturally between the ages of 30 and 33? It’s true, although we often treat young brides for the same problem. The hormone in question? Testosterone.

There are several other hormones involved (estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA), but the biggest culprit is testosterone.

Many reasons exist for hormonal decreases including hormones we consume from beef and chicken, medications, stress, pollution, previous use of birth control pills, cleaning chemicals, etc.). At our clinic, we make up for “lost” hormones by supplementing bio-identical testosterone. This is usually in a prescription “vanishing” cream applied to the skin.

Of course, very small amounts of testosterone are used – women need not fear that they will have undesirable side effects. Bio-identical testosterone is safe and effective in restoring lost sex drive in both women and men.

How it Affects Men

Again, the chief suspect when sex drive wanes in men is testosterone. A man’s testosterone begins decreasing in his mid- to late-40’s. Often even earlier.

low_testosteroneIn the male body, testosterone is the most important sex hormone. Testosterone is responsible for development of male characteristics such as body and facial hair, genital maturation, muscle growth and strength, and a deep voice. Normal levels of testosterone also influence the production of sperm, promote sexual function and sex drive.

We now know that some men’s bodies do not make enough testosterone. These men may experience uncomfortable and sometimes distressing symptoms. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 4 to 5 million American men may suffer from low testosterone, but only 5 percent are currently treated.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

As men get older, the ability to produce testosterone declines. This decrease in testosterone production is sometimes referred to as andropause or “male menopause.” If testosterone levels fall below the normal range some typical symptoms may include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Increased irritability or depression
  • Loss of drive or the will to engage in life
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Decreased bone density; osteoporosis

Certain Medical Conditions Can Cause Low Testosterone

In addition to age-related low testosterone, there are certain medical conditions that can cause low testosterone. These medical conditions can begin in youth or in adulthood, and can affect testosterone levels throughout a man’s life. Some of these conditions are associated with the testicles, pituitary gland and/or hypothalamus (a part of the brain that controls many of the body’s glands). Occasionally, the problem can be genetic.

Again, these conditions can easily be treated with a quick-drying custom compounded prescription gel applied daily to the skin. The restoration of vigor and drive can be life changing.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please schedule a Personalized Hormone Audit to see how we can help you.

Do YOU have imbalanced hormones?

Evaluate your hormone balance with this test »